An evening view of the Pacific from our friends’ home in Southern California
Favour is a fascinating word study in the Bible. Space would not permit an exhaustive investigation right now, but I have been thinking about it a lot.
It has actually been our prayer as a couple, while leaving the familiar (and secure?) for what is a new adventure, where nothing is guaranteed and the unexpected can crop up at any minute.
His promise: “For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield'.” ~ Psalms 5:12
I suppose it can be said that God has His favourites, but then again, if we are found to be in Christ Jesus (as Jesus followers who trust in His grace for salvation), then a fair amount of people can claim to be His favourites. But I digress …
As we have prayed for His favour on this recent move from Ireland to Mexico, we have been quite stunned by His answers. I list just some things that come to mind as I write and reflect on that unbelievable kindness of God (and His people):
a lovely family of friends and colleagues who welcomed us into the USA with much thoughtfulness and care
a gorgeous, rent free home (utilities and fast Internet included) in California for the month we were based at our STS (Simply the Story) headquarters.
orange, grapefruit and lemon trees around the house allowing us the best freshly-squeezed orange juice we’ve ever tasted every morning for breakfast!
free use of a lovely wee car throughout January that fit all our luggage snugly
unexpected gifts from individuals when we needed them and so we could give to others
sunsets and sunrises galore in California in many homes provided by friends whom we visited, and who blessed us in so many ways
a ridiculously cheap Business class flight, which was cheaper than economy, so we could bring all our luggage (without raised eyebrows or charges!), and also rest as we moved from USA to Mexico
a royal welcome by some of our Mexican friends and hosts, complete with slap up meal in a local restaurant
another gorgeous house for our use indefinitely (rent free and utilities included) while here in Monterrey
an amazing car, which was totally unexpected for our time in Mexico, which also has been loaned to us free of charge!
These are some of many, many more expressions of favour we have noted these past couple of months in particular.
Rightly or wrongly, I have always viewed favour as God smiling at us. There is nothing that would bring me more joy that every day I could bring a smile to God’s face. It is my prayer, and that somehow, through it all, His favour upon us would bring glory to His Name!