not quite homeless

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Are we hiding?

We have not fallen off the planet, despite evidence to the contrary.

After my doctor in Hope4Cancer told me at my July check-up that my liver was over-stressed, I was pleasantly surprised a few weeks later when the dear Filipino who is now my dentist told me, upon study of photographs of my mouth, “Wow! Your liver must be working overtime!”

These have been many months of health attention. Apart from the ongoing treatments and therapies to kill the cancer cells that have been attacking my body, we have learned how the toxins in our mouths have a direct impact on the body’s immune system and ability to fight off disease.

Basically, if you keep poisonous junk housed in your mouth or teeth, you’re going to poison any number of areas of your body. It can be slow or it can be fast but it is going to happen.

As the fingers began pointing at the amount of mercury stored in my mouth, my doctor was telling me I needed to sort that problem or beating cancer would be more of an issue.

As I had the first filling of mercury pulled from my mouth the dentist told me that I needed to be in the Guinness Book of Records for mercury load in my teeth. She also said that just one mercury filling she pulled was so heavy that the suction tool could not even lift it.

So these past six weeks have been focussed on dentistry and, as one of my friend’s put it, “getting a new mouth”. We are here in California working on the dental needs, while I continue my therapies and treatment against the melanoma (which has been shrinking a lot and has almost disappeared now).

As our itinerary shows (scroll to the bottom) we’re headed back to Mexico for my next (Hope4Cancer) check-up at the end of next month.

For those who want further info on this issue of toxins related to cancer have a look at these sites: