not quite homeless

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Something is happening in Fermanagh ...

Some of the unexpected delights of our being in Northern Ireland at this time have been our oldest daughter’s wedding last summer, and, through a subsequent delay in being able to return to Mexico, our being able to stay for our first grandchild’s arrival in mid-April.

At the turn of the year, as we spent some time where I grew up in my home county of Fermanagh, we had a series of “divine appointments” that led to us connecting with another church family “out West” (in N Ireland).

Honestly, we have been stunned by what has been going on in this new church that has already outgrown four premises and is about to move soon into a 300-seater building.

It is not just the impressive growth that has amazed us—and there have been people coming to know the LORD at virtually every service—it has been the sense that we are part of something historic and special at this time. Not only that, but the LORD has been refreshing us and equipping us, we believe, for the next stretch in His service. We cannot get enough of Him, His Word and what He is doing in us.

My wife and I have never seen anything quite like this … the LORD’s presence coming in many ways, the incredible hunger that is spreading among believers (seeking the LORD, knowing there is more in God than what they have previously experienced) and un-believers alike, who think everyone’s crazy, but keep coming until they meet Jesus themselves, the exciting expectancy to see God transform lives every time we meet, and weekly testimonies of lives changed, impossible situations turned round for good, bodies healed and more.

In coming days, I hope to blog about what we are seeing through our eyes, hearing and touching through our experience, and will also (hopefully) post stories as, God willing, we soon make a trip to Africa that has a connection with this whole story.

Meanwhile, as we see Jesus taking us on a journey that seems to be a walk along a pier that just ends on 2nd July—more on that later 😊—we are looking to the sun rising and know that He who has promised and been faithful in the past, will keep us in the next stage of our walk with Him. We’re just plain excited about this unknown up ahead!