From Old to New
There’s a story here. And what a testimony it is!
Starting with three people hungry for God and His Word, the Holy Spirit began to move in a countryside home in a remote part of Northern Ireland in January 2017. Just six years later Manifest Northern Ireland has been born and the ever-burgeoning fellowship moved into its fifth home this past week. The story is told in brief in the video clip above.
The new church home is in an old warehouse and play area on top of Fintona’s EuroSpar shop in the centre of the town. The 2011 census put Fintona’s population at 1,164 people, and the new building (pictured below) has 1,000 chairs available to accommodate people who desire to gather to worship God and hear His Word preached.
Although it is not about a building, the LORD knows, especially in a climate such as our own, that for people to gather comfortably, a sheltered venue is essential. Here people can come and seek the LORD as well as His mercy, healing and Truth. And they do come! Not only people local to the area, but some have travelled from Dublin, and even Cork on the south coast. Others come from all over Ireland with regulars attending from as far as Belfast (Lisburn) and Ballymena.
I have already told in previous posts how the LORD has been meeting people powerfully here, and there have been many physical, emotional and spiritual healings that have taken place.
However, it’s not just about four walls, and, so far members of the fellowship have been taking the Gospel weekly onto the streets and into public places in three of the county towns of Northern Ireland’s six counties—in Armagh, Enniskillen and Omagh. With more counties to follow. And into the nations also.
Come and join us for our special launch celebration in Fintona on 9th April
Even though we are now meeting in the new venue, we are officially launching this continuing ministry in its latest location at a time that reflects when Jesus brought the offer of new life to all who would receive Him: Resurrection (Easter) Sunday is the day. If you are free and would like to join us as we celebrate Him you will receive a warm welcome and have an opportunity to hear in person about what God is doing in this place—remote, yes, but an area where God has chosen to manifest His glory, love and healing Word for our broken world.
The story continues …