Stuck in the Sahara
My first crossing of the Sahara Desert in an old, amazing Landrover that lugged a ton of literature from Belgium to Niger in 1978
Stuck in the Sahara again
1991 ~ Heading south in Western Sahara the year after we married in our little Subaru Justy towards Dhakla we met many dunes that blocked the road
Amazon huts
2009 - The whole family took an STS workshop 36 hours up the Amazon and Marañon rivers to a little village called Ollanta, where 45 indigenous people gathered to be trained
Amazon Sunset
An Amazon sunset on the village of Ollanta in the Peruvian Amazon
Indian bride
2012 ~ My dear wife and I were in Bangalore in southern India, where we gathered with 25 other instructors to help train over 300 Indians from 19 provinces of the country
Calm Lough Erne
Another shot of one of my favourite lakes on earth - Lough Erne, Co. Fermanagh (U.K.). This is the part of the lake just outside the town of Enniskillen on the Garrison road.
An Egyptian Farmer
2012 ~ In the historic town of Minya in Egypt, we held an STS training for 120 Egyptians who lapped up storytelling and called this ‘method’ “Egyptian”, like the Indians had done the week before!