What If This Was Your Daughter?

I met him first around 2009. I don’t remember exactly. He struggled with his English, but I heard his heart and felt his compassion. His love for Jesus attracted many around him. I thought he was just another STS (Simply the Story) instructor from the sub-continent, but Dorothy Miller (the founder of The God’s Story Project and STS) just kept telling me his story.

He was already famous in STS workshops, where we tell his story about the dramatic healing of his mother-in-law, then a Hindu cult priestess, She came to Jesus and then led her followers to Him. Everyone loves that story when they hear it.

But there was more. Dorothy began to tell me about trafficked girls rescued on the India/Nepal border. Rescued from slavery in the sex trade, restored and healed in special safe houses and then taught vocational skills, about community health care and, above all how to share their new found faith through Bible storytelling. The statistics were stunning.

Now, many of our friends know that we never request funding for our work, but occasionally we will make a request to fund other projects with which we come in contact.

Some of you have often wondered how you can participate or do something significant and effective in rescuing the trafficked. I present to you: Our Daughters International, founded by our friend in the sub-continent. It is an amazing ministry that needs our support at this time.

If you would like to join me in supporting this worthy cause that is doing a phenomenal Kingdom work, please click on the photo above, or on this link here, and follow the instructions that appear before you to make your donation.

On behalf of my friend, his family, organisation, and our family, who also have an interest in and burden for the sex trafficked of the world, THANK-YOU.