18 Days to Go!
Cancer, Lifestyle, Marriage, TravelBryan ThompsonSignal, Facebook, Twitter, Hope4Cancer, Mexico, Hemet, Wedding, Daughter, Covid-19, Instagram
Go Dig Ditches!
Bible, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, LoveBryan Thompsonditches, God, Bible, Word, Kingdom, World, Father, Shepherd, conspiracy, theories, Great Reset, Fake News, Washington DC, Elisha, Prophet, Kings
When Your Face Looks Like a Squirrel!
One Week to Go
Cancer, Healing, Lifestyle, Melanoma, TravelBryan Thompsoncancer, melanoma, Hope4Cancer, Mexico, Cancun, Monterrey, treatment, therapies, virus, clinic, toxins, dental
Are we hiding?
Cancer, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, Melanoma, TravelBryan ThompsonDentist, Filipino, Cancer, Hope4Cancer, Toxins, Mercury, Health, Therapies, Treatment, Mexico
What If This Was Your Daughter?
Bible, Healing, Homes, Lifestyle, Love, storytelling, trainingBryan ThompsonThe God's Story Project, STS, Simply the Story, Our Daughters International, Trafficked, Human Trafficking, India, Nepal
Meditation: My favourite way with Bible passages (stories)
Bible, Focus, Lifestyle, Love, storytelling, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonMeditate, Meditation, Bible, Word, Story, Passage, God
1st July 1973 - my story
Meditation: Two more (biblical) ways to meditate
Bible, Focus, Lifestyle, Love, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonMeditate, Meditation, Bible, Word, God, Ways, Works, Remember, Think
Meditation and the "Why" Question
Bible, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, Love, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonBible, Meditate, Meditation, Scripture, Jesus, God, Methods, LORD, Study, Chewing
Meditation - As Simple as ... ABC!
Bible, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonMemorisation, Bible, Word, God, DICE, Passage, LORD
Meditation - Why You Need to Be Like a Cow!
Bible, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, training, TeachingBryan ThompsonBible, Meditation, Cow, Cud, Chewing the cud, Stomach, Word, Proverbs
Meditation - How HWLW and DICE Changed My Life
Bible, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonDICE, Meditation, Bible, Biblical, LORD, HWLW, God, OM, Vienna, Communist Europe, Campbell McAlpine, Jim Downing, Navigators, Amazon, Psalm, Shepherd
Meditation - HWLW
Bible, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonMeditation, Bible, God, HWLW, Word, Dawson Trotman, Navigators, camp, Cares
Meditation - My ‘Nightly Prep’
Bible, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonWorry, Anxiety, Meditation, Sleep, Bible, Forgiveness, Anger, Cares, LORD, Scripture
Meditation: peace and sleep
Bible, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonMeditation, peace, Sleep, Bible, Worry, Anger, Anxiety
The Science of Sleep
Bible, Healing, Lifestyle, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonScience, Bible, Sleep, Meditation, Psychosomatic, Illness, Conscious, Subconscious
Meditation - My Personal Story
Bible, Focus, Healing, Lifestyle, Love, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonNavigators, Bible, Word, Hand, Meditation, Psalm 1, OM, Operation Mobilisation, Communist Europe, Bible College, Soap Opera
Meditation at Night (Part 1)
Bible, Healing, Lifestyle, Teaching, trainingBryan ThompsonMeditation, Sleep, Science, God, Bible, Worry, Anxiety
Mindfulness or Mindlessness?